Garingal Halls of Fame
The Silver Hare
This perpetual trophy was donated by club member Moira Whiteside in 1981 to be awarded annually to a member who has contributed to the conduct of our club. Moira was keenly aware that 'but for the volunteers behind the scenes and running the events', there would be no sport.
The engraved name shields read like a veritable Who's Who of Garingal. Click here to see all previous awardees.
The winner of the
Silver Hare
David Bray​​

Garingal Club Champion
Who in Garingal, regardless of age, is the best performing competitor of the year? A hard concept to grasp with 44+ classes, plus a variety of event structures. However, Jim Merchant our Club Statistician has come up with a system that sees the top three performers in our club awarded medals on an annual basis.
2023 Club Champion is
Cooper Horley

Most Improved Garingal Junior
The perpetual trophy was itself given to our club by Ryde Council for the purpose of acknowledging a junior member. What better way to annually recognise a junior who persists at their new sport and demonstrates consistent improvement over a two year period, than with a trophy to sit on the shelf for a year along with a GO Medal?
Cooper Horley running M16 to Junior World Champs is the 2023 Best/Most Improved Garingal Junior
For previous years results, TBA

Garingal Junior Encouragement Award
A GO Medal is awarded annually to a Junior who shows a distinct keenness for their sport.
Tania Horrocks running W12 won the 2023 Garingal Encouragement Award
For previous years results, TBA
Garingal Medalists
Garingal Medals are hung on a distinctive orange/green/white ribbon and presented as follows:
A Gold Medal goes to members who give great service to Garingal over a period of time (even subsequent to being the recipient of the Silver Hare)
A Gold Medal goes to the Junior who receives the annual Most Improved Junior Perpetual Trophy
A Gold Medal goes to a Junior as a Garingal Junior Encouragement Award
A Gold Medal goes to Garingal Club Champion, a Silver Medal to 2nd place getter and a Bronze Medal to 3rd place getters
A Gold Medal goes to Life Members.

Garingal Life Members
1986 Robert Jerrems
2005 Moira Whiteside (dec.)
2013 David Stitt
2014 Ron and Barbara Junghans
2017 Carol Jacobson and Ken Jacobson
2018 Ross Barr
2019 Jim Merchant
2024 Ian Cameron

Past members of the Garingal Executive
TBA: link to list of all past Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers.
The Power of One - Moira Whiteside
Moira Whiteside joined Garingal in 1975. She was keenly aware that volunteering was the cornerstone of our sport and she had little time due her job travelling all over the state. However, she contributed in other ways (see Silver Hare Award above, and below). Well versed across many sports, Moira arrived at Sydney Teachers College in 1950 from England to much acclaim from her students who were budding young PE teachers. Early 2023, one of those students now aged 90, joyously remembered Moira as the person who swept into NSW with marvellous new and refreshing ideas how to engage the school students of NSW in sport.
Read more here about Moira in an article by Barbara Junghans published in the Australian Orienteer in 2018. Then watch Moira run through the forest and talk about orienteering during a YouTube about Australia hosting the World Orienteering Championships in Bendigo in 1985 (Moria's section starts at 5 mins 20 secs into the 1hr video). Note: this video is narrated by Robyn Williams and during its opening minutes he presents an interesting take on the core skills required for orienteering - any one for tai chi?
Importantly, after Moira's death in 2013, a significant bequest by Moira to Orienteering Australia triggered a significant change to the face of orienteering Carnivals, in particular the Australian Championships Carnival. For example, Moira's money funded us being able to view live splits for all runners from radio controls during an event, live video from the forest, tracking of elites overlaid on the competition map and projected in real time live onto a big screen in the Arena. All this has grown since 2013 when the first tranche of Moira's estate reached the OA. The second much larger tranche was received in 2022 and invested as an 'in perpetuity' fund to provide annual grants to improve participation and innovation in Australia's top events. OA is keen that the 'everyman-orienteer' benefits from Moira's legacy.

The Power of One - The Carbines Club
Notably, a Garingal Past President, Tim Cox AO, was a founding member of the Carbine Club of NSW. The Club took the name ‘Carbine’ in honour of the racehorse, one of the greatest and bravest this nation has known. So then, how has this Club come to be important to orienteering in NSW for over 40 years?
Founded in 1977, the Carbine Club of NSW was modelled on and closely associated with Carbine Clubs in all Australian states, Britain, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Vanuatu, Singapore and Hong Kong. Their members each have a common bond: A deep affection for sport and good fellowship. Importantly, in its early years the members of the Carbine Club of NSW decided its major aim would be to support Junior Sport.
Membership is restricted to 40 full ordinary and 40 special members and includes champions from many fields of sport including, horse racing, the Olympic and Commonwealth Games, Cricket, rugby, rugby league, AFL, golf, surfing, etc. Other Club members come with established reputations in sports administration, business, politics or media.
Understandably, with Tim Cox as the inaugural Chairman, the sport of Orienteering became part of the Carbine Club’s considerations. Hence, the Carbine Club has made a significant donation to ONSW to support NSW Juniors for many years, something for which we are truly grateful (including many Garingal juniors).