Information for Event Organisers
Organisers of Sydney Summer Series or Moonlight Madness click here.
Garingal Event Gear
To collect equipment for events: Ring Ron Junghans on 9450 2027 to arrange (around 8am/8pm are best times near a phone). Ron's sometimes mobile is 0438 468 914.
Bring your equipment list!
Every event is a bit different depending on available roof cover, lighting for night events, etc.
Do not forget to collect the First Aid boxes, plus the Auto External Defibrillator (AED) and the real-estate style sign that announces its presence.
The What3Words address to the farm gate and Big Shed is: https://w3w.co/steep.shock.salt
The GPS address is:
6 Namba Rd,
Duffys Forest 2084 (5k out of Terrey Hills)
This is Sydney Christmas Tree Farm, so look for the trees, ANDYOU MUST find the correct entrance. Enter off Birramal Rd, at the 2nd farm gate away from the Namba/Birramal corner.
Drive down to to the big shed next to the caravan.