Garingal to host
2023 NSW Middle/Long Orienteering Championships
9/10th September near Ryleston
Check out the 2 promo videos now!
An outstanding opportunity for every orienteer!
Spectacular terrain!
So don't miss the bus to Breakfast Creek....

Did you see the kangaroo at the end of the video (going left to right)?

Rob Vincent's Mapper's Notes:
The terrain ranges from undulating gully/spur to steep slopes covered with rock features. The landscape is dominated by large pagoda rock outcrops, either isolated or as part of a complex sandstone labyrinth containing narrow passages, bare rock, impassable cliffs and high domes. A long, steep escarpment (about 35-40m vertical) traverses the entire area from west to east. Some boulders are "house-size"! High, but broken cliffs are found at the top of much of this escarpment. The forest is mainly open eucalypt and cypress pine, with areas of thicker vegetation in the east, mainly young cypress thickets and new growth scrub. Semi-open farmland can be found through the central northern section of the area. Visibility ranges from good to excellent. Many minor watercourses cut through the area, and there are a few small dams. There are few tracks in the area, so location awareness is important. The area is scattered with termite mounds (brown triangle symbol) which range in size from 0.5m to 1.5m, and the occasional distinctive tree-root mound (green X) which range in size from 1.0m to 1.5m.
[An edited version by Barbara Junghans]
Fun Fact:
Did you know, that Saturday 9th Sept is
Garingal's 50th Birthday?

Bush camping is available adjacent to the arena on Friday and Saturday nights. Event catering provided by Kandos Scouts. Subject to interest from around 20 people, they will provide meals on Friday and Saturday nights as well as breakfast on Saturday and Sunday.