What a booty! Garingal members won 12 of their age classes at the NSW Sprint Champs at Ourimbah on Saturday. The highlight was Barbara Hill's two-second win over Big Foot's Paula Shingler in W55A. GO also had four 2nd placings and four 3rd placings.
This made Garingal the most successful club at the event, ahead of Newcastle with nine wins. Congratulations all!
The event was conducted by the small Central Coast Orienteering club on the Newcastle Uni satellite campus - thank you CCO. A couple of reflections heard around the arena afterwards concerned the fact that not all olive green on the map was as obvious as those gardens shown close to Ken Jacobson in the photo below. There were areas of Out of Bounds which thwarted route choice, people realising at the last moment that the ground in front of them didn't look particularly like a garden, yet it was olive on the map. If it is mapped as olive OOB, then that is because the landowner wants it that way. And, Land Owners are those who MUST be obeyed! Or else we risk not being allowed to go back.